Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
28987BushmanEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic33CHA 70Act III+2 Plasma BrassairtsMulligan VII
28988Dakkon BlackbladeCrested DwarfFighter/Organist33STR 55Act III+2 Plasma HauberkLockjaw XVII
28989PatrixDung ElfMage Illusioner33CHA 59Act III+2 Plasma GauntletsCone of Annoyance XVILook!! I'm over here!!! Well... Not really...
28990GrubrofreggEel ManFighter/Organist33STR 70Act III+9 Custom Banded Kevlar GauntletsInvisible Hands IXWe are all going to die!
28991FlötottoLow ElfLowling33STR 110Act III+11 Custom Banded Platemail HauberkAqueous Humor XNothing's too low for me, fellas!
28992LooNyPanda ManUr-Paladin33DEX 67Act III+2 Plasma VambracesHydrophobia VIIThis is the thing you thought that i thought that
28993DeoadDouble WookieeMu-Fu Monk33STR 74Act III+2 Plasma VambracesTumor (Benign) VI
28994FelrodianDemicanadianBastard Lunatic33CHA 71Act III+2 Plasma SolleretsAqueous Humor IXarg me matey
28995StubaaPanda ManUr-Paladin33STR 76Act III+17 Studded Custom Baroque ShieldSpectral Miasma VIII
28996Chaos NytePanda ManRobot Monk33STR 79Act III+14 Cambric ABS SolleretsInvisible Hands IX

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