Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
29076XearoDung ElfShiv-Knight33INT 70Act III+15 Fine Gilded Baroque ShieldInnoculate XIMess with the best...die like the rest.
29077J0ekooITalking PonyVoodoo Princess33CHA 85Act III+2 Plasma GreavesAqueous Humor XIIITämä poni syö lapsia
29078Joek0OITalking PonyVoodoo Princess33CHA 84Act III+2 Holy Studded Diamond Mail HauberkInvisible Hands XIITämä poni skrätsää levareita, voodoo style
29079GrandZorgDouble WookieeHunter Strangler33DEX 74Act III+7 Custom Festooned Titanium HelmSadness XV
29080Janus NightshadeLow ElfMage Illusioner33STR 70Act III+7 Impressive Mithril Mail BrassairtsAnimate Nightstand VIDo not drape that on my computer!!
29081Turner2001Dung ElfUr-Paladin33CON 78Act III+10 Banded Gilded Magnetic FieldSeasick XIIWhen i come, you will died!!
29082MaeyhemBattle-FinchRobot Monk33DEX 91Act III+12 Cambric Studded Magnetic FieldSeasick X
29083ElpheenLow ElfUr-Paladin33WIS 95Act III+5 Cambric Studded Diamond Mail BrassairtsGood Move XIVI know the location of the Enchanted Phial. Do YOU
29084BUukHalf OrcMage Illusioner33STR 89Act III+13 Banded Gilded Splint Mail CuissesLockjaw V
29085Cellar_DoorDemicanadianRuneloremaster33INT 92Act IIIStudded Cambric Plasma GauntletsMagnetic Orb VIIII AM THE CLIT MASTER

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