Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2908LowlyLow ElfLowling66CHA 2949Act XXIII+46 Custom Gilded Splint Mail GauntletsNestor's Bright Idea CCLIXI feel mighty low...
2909Ryujin JasLesser DwarfRuneloremaster66STR 2357Act XXII+34 Gilded Plasma GreavesMagnetic Orb CCCLXXVIIHey hi, hear my son, there is simply another one.
2910Sir Harley the Love BikeEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic66CHA 3085Act XXII+55 Heavy Polished Bastard SwordRevolting Cloud CCCXLI-=[LOVE]=-
2911FeeFieFoeHalf ManHunter Strangler66CHA 5213Act XXIII+29 Banded Impressive Plasma GauntletsInvisible Hands CCCLXXXII strangle, therefore I am
2912Sin VraalBattle-FinchHunter Strangler66WIS 2559Act XXIV+39 Holy Fine Titanium CuissesSeasick
2913SlurpeeGyrognomeTongueblade66WIS 2501Act XXII+35 Impressive Studded Diamond Mail HauberkClever Fellow CCCXXXIVCold and wet, vicious and delicious!
2914RyoohdenWill o' the WispMu-Fu Monk66INT 2860Act XXIII+42 Banded Gilded Mithril Mail GreavesHydrophobia CCLXXICALCULOUS . . . ACK!!!
2915ComradesampoLow ElfRobot Monk66WIS 4284Act XXIII+28 Custom Impressive Plasma SolleretsAqueous Humor CCCXXXVIIIDon't make me smack you.
2916FuZ-BaLEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic66DEX 3468Act XXII+44 Cambric Mithril Mail CuissesHydrophobia CCXCVImeow.
2917Traedd [ccc]GyrognomePuma Burgular66STR 2513Act XXIII+45 Banded Studded Magnetic FieldMulligan CCLXXVIIf sexy were butter, my ass would be toast!

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