Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
29147KoninEel ManHunter Strangler32INT 128Act IIIImpressive Studded Diamond Mail HauberkHydrophobia IXBeware of the evil!
29148zlikkGyrognomeMage Illusioner32STR 88Act III+8 Holy Festooned Platemail SolleretsHydrophobia IXWhat a useless "game" !
29149SmaskisWill o' the WispRobot Monk32WIS 55Act III+8 Holy Titanium BrassairtsBraingate VIIIComing foh joo tricky zlikk!
29150TlighTHalf HalflingRobot Monk32WIS 73Act IIIFine Gilded Diamond Mail GreavesRabbit Punch XILost my corpse... Need a reimb!
29151SkeezerTrans-KoboldHunter Strangler32CON 52Act III+2 Holy Diamond Mail CuissesClever Fellow VII
29152NibbeGyrognomePuma Burgular32WIS 65Act III+21 Cambric Tower ShieldGyp XII
29153ShindlyDemicanadianVoodoo Princess32WIS 72Act III+7 Studded Holy Titanium VambracesSlime Finger VIIIRAPE THE PIGS
29154VinegarEel ManSlow Poisoner32WIS 65Act III+4 Impressive Holy Kevlar GreavesNestor's Bright Idea VII!!!
29155ZantetsukenXDouble HobbitMu-Fu Monk32CON 63Act III+7 Banded Gilded Mithril Mail HelmRabbit Punch XIII
29156Robo Son GokouHalf ManRobot Monk32WIS 71Act III+5 Banded Fine Mithril Mail HauberkSadness XIV

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