Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
29356ZhatanHalf OrcHunter Strangler32DEX 66Act III+1 Custom Gilded Diamond Mail BrassairtsClever Fellow VIIDeath or Glory!
29357FlotsamDouble HobbitRuneloremaster32WIS 80Act III+9 Festooned Cambric Magnetic FieldClever Fellow XI
29358NnghEnchanted MotorcycleTongueblade32INT 59Act III+6 Custom Gilded Mithril Mail SolleretsLockjaw VIICheese is my friend.
29359Son of JoelDemicanadianRobot Monk32CHA 54Act IIICambric Plasma HauberkRoger's Grand Illusion VI"Justice for some, girl scout cookies for all."
29360TacoBanditLow ElfHunter Strangler32CON 65Act III+2 Cambric Custom Diamond Mail GauntletsRevolting Cloud X
29361BudongDemicanadianBastard Lunatic32CON 60Act III+14 Dancing Venomed Morning StarHydrophobia IX
29362kWhoreEel ManVoodoo Princess32CHA 62Act III+14 Impressive Studded Baroque ShieldUrsine Armor IV
29363Derren BlaineHalf ManMage Illusioner32CHA 58Act III+1 Plasma GreavesLockjaw VIII will stand on a frozen crocodile for 5 days.
29364KasuharondaEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk32CON 66Act III+2 Plasma GauntletsAqueous Humor XIVrooooomm! and DIE
29365ArmorgeitCrested DwarfRuneloremaster32WIS 59Act III+19 Steely Pronged Morning StarInnoculate X

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