Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
29367JiroKiroDemicanadianShiv-Knight32WIS 102Act III+1 Plasma GauntletsCone of Annoyance XII ROCK!!!!
29368IokaHalf ManBastard Lunatic32WIS 68Act III+1 Plasma GambesonHastiness IXSmite me, and I shall slap you with a koland penis
29369FiascoEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic32DEX 74Act III+6 Custom Festooned Mithril Mail BrassairtsGood Move XIIVictory or immediate retreat!
29370Final JusticeEel ManRobot Monk32CON 81Act III+6 Fine Banded Titanium GauntletsGood Move XIVThe diseased shall be cleansed...
29371OggobHalf OrcHunter Strangler32STR 55Act III+8 Custom Festooned ABS SolleretsHoly Batpole VIII
29372Ill-tempered Bass-o-maticHalf HalflingBattle-Felon32CHA 66Act IIIStudded Plasma CuissesRevolting Cloud VIAre they ill-tempered? Well SO AM I!!
29373ImmortalHalf ManShiv-Knight32STR 61Act III+10 Cambric Mithril Mail GauntletsAngioplasty VDeath is but a dream, and I'm the walker of dreams
29374JuravielHalf OrcFighter/Organist32STR 76Act III+6 Holy Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsHastiness XI
29375GrumdriggeryDung ElfInner Mason32STR 74Act III+3 Custom Diamond Mail HauberkAnimate Nightstand VI
29376CrowaxDouble HobbitMage Illusioner32STR 72Act III+5 Festooned Impressive Kevlar GreavesTumor (Benign) IX

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