Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
2958EXiTEel ManHunter Strangler66CHA 4435Act XXII+38 Festooned Impressive Titanium GreavesEye of the Troglodyte CCXIThere is NO SANTA CLAUS, DO DRUGS KILL PARENTS
2959mahler2Double WookieeBattle-Felon66STR 4385Act XXII+34 Impressive Cambric Diamond Mail GreavesLockjaw CCCXI
2960VarkyGreater GnomeRuneloremaster66INT 4480Act XXIII+42 Fine Mithril Mail GauntletsMulligan CCLXXXIII am Varkin, of cazic thule!
2961KimbalTalking PonyRuneloremaster66STR 1802Act XXII+47 Custom Platemail CuissesBraingate CCXXIPWNED IRL
2962NamhasHalf HalflingShiv-Knight66STR 3779Act XXII+49 Studded Fine Baroque ShieldMagnetic Orb CCCLXXIXEKSPAA!
2963BumHugDouble WookieeTickle-Mimic66CHA 4037Act XXIII+48 Holy Fine Ringmail GambesonHastiness DXVIMe hug bum. Lat am dum humie!
2964Whispering D'EathPanda ManMu-Fu Monk66WIS 4340Act XXIII+34 Custom Holy Diamond Mail CuissesLockjaw CCCIII
2965FlooglegrapTalking PonyTickle-Mimic66CHA 4219Act XXII+44 Studded Mithril Mail GauntletsTumor (Benign) CCXXVIYou mean people actually read this crap?
2966AjayPanda ManMu-Fu Monk66DEX 4499Act XXII+34 Studded Plasma HelmMulligan CCLXXIY U DO THAT????
2967Melted Lolly-PopGyrognomeTongueblade66STR 4522Act XXII+27 Impressive Festooned Plasma CuissesClever Fellow CCCXVIguy, you ruined my shirt...

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