Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
33753 | DungSalad | Dung Elf | Slow Poisoner | 25 | STR 49 | Act II | -1 Diamond Mail Hauberk | Eye of the Troglodyte IV | |
33754 | dumm dumm | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | WIS 48 | Act II | +3 Banded Titanium Gauntlets | Gyp V | |
33755 | bukuu | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | WIS 50 | Act II | +2 Custom Cambric Kevlar Gauntlets | Angioplasty V | |
33756 | sadasd | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | CON 47 | Act II | +4 Dancing Bandyclef | Seasick XII | |
33757 | ghfghf | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | CHA 58 | Act II | -1 Threadbare Torn Plasma Hauberk | Sadness VII | |
33758 | sfsadfa | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | CON 47 | Act II | Studded Impressive Magnetic Field | Invisible Hands III | |
33759 | sdfsdfsa | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | CHA 43 | Act II | +9 Invisible Heavy Morning Star | Mulligan III | |
33760 | adfag | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | INT 56 | Act II | Holey Diamond Mail Helm | Cone of Annoyance IV | |
33761 | adfgad | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | DEX 39 | Act II | Custom Studded Mithril Mail Greaves | Mulligan IV | |
33762 | hsfhs | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | CON 45 | Act II | +4 Festooned ABS Vambraces | Spectral Miasma VI |
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