Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
33772 | ghjgdg | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | WIS 46 | Act II | Patched Diamond Mail Greaves | Covet V | |
33773 | nm,nbm | Eel Man | Battle-Felon | 25 | CHA 47 | Act II | +11 Banded Gilded Tower Shield | Good Move XI | |
33774 | RamBam | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 25 | CHA 44 | Act II | +11 Festooned Banded Tower Shield | Clever Fellow VI | Im just a panda what the hell do you want from me |
33775 | Oleg | Half Orc | Battle-Felon | 25 | STR 45 | Act II | -3 Faded Patched Plasma Vambraces | Lockjaw IX | Foo! |
33776 | gurmatijigitople | Gyrognome | Runeloremaster | 25 | STR 47 | Act II | -1 Diamond Mail Helm | Gyp IX | |
33777 | Swanko | Greater Gnome | Runeloremaster | 25 | INT 45 | Act II | +8 Fine Festooned Tower Shield | Innoculate X | |
33778 | Noa | Talking Pony | Voodoo Princess | 25 | WIS 47 | Act II | +4 Gilded Kevlar Sollerets | Slime Finger VIII | Nothing is sexier than Pleathers! |
33779 | Dubba Oooo | Gyrognome | Puma Burgular | 25 | STR 45 | Act II | +14 Polished Heavy Bastard Sword | Cone of Annoyance VI | Cooking bacon naked |
33780 | Latrinas Lord of Compostia | Dung Elf | Runeloremaster | 25 | WIS 52 | Act II | +1 Impressive Titanium Brassairts | Slime Finger IX | Elemental Porn Lube in a spray? |
33781 | kmc | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 25 | WIS 54 | Act II | +2 Cambric Studded Mithril Mail Hauberk | Magnetic Orb VI |
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