Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
34012 | Gnormal | Greater Gnome | Puma Burgular | 24 | STR 47 | Act II | +4 Titanium Brassairts | Good Move XII | |
34013 | Zelgardion | Enchanted Motorcycle | Shiv-Knight | 24 | CHA 40 | Act II | -2 Diamond Mail Hauberk | Invisible Hands VII | |
34014 | DirtDigger | Dung Elf | Lowling | 24 | DEX 55 | Act II | Venomed Dancing Bandyclef | Cone of Annoyance XII | |
34015 | Sellout | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 24 | WIS 43 | Act II | +3 Cambric Studded Titanium Sollerets | Hastiness VIII | Stop showing people your Sharp Stick! |
34016 | Orko | Double Hobbit | Puma Burgular | 24 | DEX 49 | Act II | -2 Diamond Mail Cuisses | Invisible Hands IV | |
34017 | FOURd | Half Man | Bastard Lunatic | 24 | DEX 54 | Act II | -1 Diamond Mail Sollerets | Gyp VI | I got a lemon! Twice! |
34018 | Bastard Cop!! | Demicanadian | Battle-Felon | 24 | CON 46 | Act II | +3 Custom ABS Brassairts | Gyp IV | I like Exclamation Marks! |
34019 | Really Fucking Tough Dude | Talking Pony | Mu-Fu Monk | 24 | DEX 38 | Act II | +1 Custom Titanium Brassairts | Hydrophobia VII | I can beat up your govenor! |
34020 | Gimpy | Greater Gnome | Runeloremaster | 24 | CHA 43 | Act II | +4 Venomed Bandyclef | Sadness VII | ne1 know where runeloremaster guild is?! plz?!?!? |
34021 | Johnny Charisma | Half Man | Mage Illusioner | 24 | INT 51 | Act II | -2 Diamond Mail Vambraces | Clever Fellow IX | Better than a stick in the eye |
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