Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
34032 | Bruiser_Steelhammer | Enchanted Motorcycle | Robot Monk | 24 | CON 53 | Act II | -1 Rusty Motheaten Plasma Cuisses | Sadness VII | |
34033 | Valadorian | Skraeling | Voodoo Princess | 24 | WIS 46 | Act II | +2 Gilded Cambric Kevlar Helm | Curse Name IV | Kill the rich feed me |
34034 | Moot | Double Wookiee | Puma Burgular | 24 | CHA 47 | Act II | +3 Heavy Venomed Bandyclef | Invisible Hands X | |
34035 | Nisim | Low Elf | Voodoo Princess | 24 | STR 51 | Act II | +2 Holy ABS Sollerets | Cone of Annoyance VII | |
34036 | Bark | Double Wookiee | Hunter Strangler | 24 | DEX 43 | Act II | +3 Mithril Mail Sollerets | Hastiness XII | All Your Base Are Belong To Me!!!! |
34037 | Bludgeon-Me Elmo | Half Halfling | Mu-Fu Monk | 24 | INT 43 | Act II | +3 Mithril Mail Sollerets | Innoculate VIII | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
34038 | Devilock | Skraeling | Ur-Paladin | 24 | CHA 47 | Act II | +6 Steely Venomed Halberd | Clever Fellow IV | |
34039 | Viscous | Low Elf | Ur-Paladin | 24 | WIS 36 | Act II | -2 Diamond Mail Gambeson | Seasick V | |
34040 | Kellox | Will o' the Wisp | Voodoo Princess | 24 | CHA 55 | Act II | -2 Diamond Mail Hauberk | Animate Nightstand V | |
34041 | Yytrilage | Panda Man | Bastard Lunatic | 24 | CHA 45 | Act II | +2 Dancing Serrated Bandyclef | Revolting Cloud VII | Sell sell sell! |
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