Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
43398JixHalf OrcShiv-Knight4CON 21Act ICambric Macrame SolleretsSeasick I
43399GoldDung ElfRobot Monk4STR 18Act I+1 Macrame GambesonRabbit Punch IIIAttila Flaccello D'Iddio, colui a cui futte poco
43400RangoonDouble WookieeHunter Strangler4CON 13Act I+1 Cambric Lace HelmSadness III
43401DazmilarWill o' the WispTongueblade4STR 16Act I+2 Lace GauntletsRabbit Punch IVTwink me pleez, I need more frags
43402ChewbaccaDouble WookieeTickle-Mimic4INT 21Act ICanvas HauberkGyp IIWookie Dookie
43403BabachuEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk4WIS 21Act I-1 Canvas BrassairtsSadness II
43404MagmaManTalking PonyTickle-Mimic4CON 18Act I-1 Canvas CuissesCone of Annoyance II
43405TavarynDouble HobbitFighter/Organist4WIS 23Act I-1 Faded Flannel SolleretsCone of Annoyance IIi > u
43406Lord Pharon MazzerPKzEnchanted MotorcycleInner Mason4WIS 20Act IBurlap BrassairtsSadness I
43407Fagtor TearassBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic4CHA 18Act I+2 Lace GambesonGood Move II

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