Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
43578VolitionDouble WookieeRobot Monk4INT 18Act IBurlap SolleretsHastiness II
43579BrobdignagHalf HalflingRobot Monk4STR 19Act I-1 Canvas VambracesInnoculate I
43580GooberCheeksDemicanadianInner Mason4STR 17Act ICambric Macrame VambracesInvisible Hands I
43581CheebaDemicanadianBastard Lunatic4STR 18Act IHoley Canvas GauntletsInnoculate II
43582FjordyPanda ManTongueblade4STR 20Act I-7 Cracked Chainmail BrassairtsHastiness II
43583RamalamadingdongDung ElfBastard Lunatic4WIS 19Act IFaded Canvas GauntletsRabbit Punch III
43584VersixDouble WookieeRobot Monk4DEX 19Act I-1 Canvas GreavesSadness II
43585[SKT]emCeeEel ManHunter Strangler4DEX 20Act I+2 Macrame CuissesCone of Annoyance IIIGo-go-go !!
43586LouieBattle-FinchRobot Monk4STR 18Act I-2 Mildewed Pleathers GauntletsCone of Annoyance II
43587fellatio the fairTalking PonyInner Mason4WIS 20Act IBurlap HauberkRabbit Punch III

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