Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
4359Goatse-cxHalf OrcShiv-Knight63CON 1376Act XIX+27 Banded Holy Plasma GambesonInvisible Hands CCLXXXVIOMIGOD IS THAT HIS ASS!??!
4360SamTheTalkingPonyTalking PonyLowling63INT 1468Act XIX+42 Cambric Gilded Kevlar BrassairtsLockjaw CCIVHazah! I'm a talking pony!
4361coliDouble WookieeMage Illusioner63CHA 3596Act XX+39 Venomed Dancing BandyclefSpectral Miasma CCLXVIIICapitalism is oiled by the blood of the workers
4362colburnDouble HobbitMage Illusioner63DEX 2202Act XVIII+26 Gilded Holy Plasma GauntletsRevolting Cloud
4363nodomain1GyrognomeBastard Lunatic63CHA 2710Act XVIII+32 Festooned Gilded Diamond Mail HelmClever Fellow
4364jcolburnTrans-KoboldTongueblade63CHA 2271Act XVIII+26 Gilded Holy Plasma VambracesGyp
4365DarkCloudHalf ManUr-Paladin63STR 1316Act XVIII+31 Impressive Studded Diamond Mail GauntletsNestor's Bright Idea CLVIIIAlways is some time for ProgressQuest
4366aakkanaPanda ManMu-Fu Monk63DEX 1830Act XVIII+37 Festooned Impressive Kevlar GreavesAnimate Nightstand CXLVIIjooh
4367SaapasDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic63CHA 2858Act XIX+41 Holy Studded ABS GreavesInvisible Hands CCXLIIThe force will be with you, always!
4368MokonaGyrognomeRuneloremaster63DEX 2809Act XIX+38 Banded Custom Mithril Mail GreavesMulligan CLXXVPu pu puuuu!

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