Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
4529FlaggieBattle-FinchMu-Fu Monk63STR 1514Act XIX+49 Banded Custom Tower ShieldCone of Annoyance CCXLVIIWherever you go, there you are.
4530realMassTrans-KoboldMu-Fu Monk63WIS 2738Act XIX+45 Impressive Holy Tower ShieldSlime Finger CCCXXIX[roXXorX] @ Qnet #roXXorX
4531Samuel the SmellyDung ElfBattle-Felon63CON 1528Act XVIII+46 Fine Festooned Tower ShieldRevolting Cloud CXCVIBeware the aroma of the Dung Elf
4532MjolnirTrans-KoboldUr-Paladin63CON 2622Act XIX+43 Dancing BandyclefHoly Batpole CLXVIIIOh yeah! On my way to the top!
4533AturaHalf ManRuneloremaster62INT 1845Act XVIII+34 Banded Studded Diamond Mail HauberkSeasick CCLVIDear god! Please say thats a sword.
4534pants of godLow ElfBastard Lunatic62CHA 2528Act XVIII+50 Pronged Serrated Peen-armClever Fellow CCIIballs, my good man
4535mr_lokiBattle-FinchRuneloremaster62CON 3073Act XVIII+42 Invisible Pronged PoleaxHydrophobia CLXXXV
4536Maximino2Eel ManBastard Lunatic62INT 2752Act XVII+41 Banded Holy Splint Mail HelmAnimate Nightstand CLIVQuidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.
4537PylTalking PonyTickle-Mimic62CON 1525Act XVIII+42 Gilded Cambric ABS GauntletsMulligan CLVPQ pry def rox irl k thnx
4538Hoc E. PhanDemicanadianSlow Poisoner62CHA 2999Act XVIII+37 Gilded Fine Titanium GambesonBig Sister CLVIIIHe shoots, he scores!

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