Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
4549Drakkon2Battle-FinchTickle-Mimic62DEX 1462Act XVIII+34 Festooned Diamond Mail GreavesAnimate Nightstand CXXXIVKill All Twice!
4550TKBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic62DEX 1673Act XVIII+28 Cambric Custom Plasma HelmLockjaw CXCIIIAll is brick
4551Min eelEel ManShiv-Knight62WIS 1346Act XVIII+30 Fine Festooned Diamond Mail SolleretsSpectral Miasma CLXXXVIII#bufflarna_flyger_i_luften
4552KrikkitEnchanted MotorcycleRobot Monk62CON 1429Act XVIII+38 Impressive Cambric Kevlar HelmClever Fellow CCIProgress. It's for your own good.
4553Mrs. GoodNightTalking PonyVoodoo Princess62INT 1773Act XVIII+25 Impressive Banded Plasma CuissesRabbit Punch CCC
4554GruggeDemicanadianBastard Lunatic62CON 1880Act XVIII+25 Festooned Holy Plasma SolleretsBraingate CXXXVIwho? what? me? no way!
4555-{JCP}- SpigotDung ElfBastard Lunatic62STR 1169Act XVIII+40 Festooned Studded Kevlar HelmLockjaw CLXXXVShut up or the porn will never come!
4556RelentlessEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic62CHA 2179Act XVIII+42 Cambric Studded Kevlar HauberkEye of the Troglodyte CXXXIVAnd now you gonna die!
4557Son of ThudHalf OrcShiv-Knight62CON 1947Act XVIII+33 Impressive Holy Mithril Mail CuissesGyp CCXLIII give you my knock for justice!
4558PinionTalking PonyInner Mason62DEX 1322Act XVIII+41 Cambric Fine Platemail GreavesRevolting Cloud CCXXIsweet things, beautiful things, my buffaloes have

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