Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
4610RobbDemicanadianUr-Paladin62STR 2515Act XVII+31 Banded Festooned Diamond Mail GambesonSadness CCLXVIIOnly ashes and silence will remain...
4611ShadowenzHalf ManUr-Paladin62CHA 1544Act XVII+42 Banded Cambric Platemail GauntletsAqueous Humor CLXXXVII
4612HrolfDouble WookieeMu-Fu Monk62STR 1529Act XVII+38 Cambric Festooned Titanium GauntletsHydrophobia CLXXXBaby the other, other white meat!
4613QuidPanda ManMu-Fu Monk62DEX 1141Act XVII+36 Studded Fine Mithril Mail CuissesLockjaw CLXXXVII know Mu-Fu.
4614ThendruilBattle-FinchRuneloremaster62DEX 2149Act XVII+47 Custom Baroque ShieldEye of the Troglodyte CXXIIII am the Walrus, Coo Coo Ka-Choo
4615Micky the FishDemicanadianRobot Monk62CON 2439Act XVII+26 Custom Banded Plasma BrassairtsHydrophobia CLXXIVDamn I am getting to old for this sh*t
4616Super GooberDung ElfInner Mason62CON 1093Act XVII+45 Stabbity Invisible BlunderbussBig Sister CXXXTaste my Sword of Casual Dismemberment!
4617Stray MemoryGyrognomeVoodoo Princess62DEX 1409Act XVII+26 Banded Festooned Plasma HauberkBig Sister XCVICheese, the future of us all
4618LhariHalf ManMage Illusioner62CHA 1620Act XVII+39 Studded Custom Magnetic FieldGood Move CCLXXV...and this is the end complete!
4619NewoGreater GnomeRuneloremaster62CHA 1604Act XVII+36 Gilded Custom Mithril Mail CuissesNestor's Bright Idea CXXXIIt sucks when a flaming cinder hits your eye.

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