Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
5866 | Tartinella | Double Wookiee | Voodoo Princess | 60 | STR 1797 | Act XV | +36 Gilded Custom Titanium Hauberk | Aqueous Humor CL | MiamĀ². |
5867 | whazat | Panda Man | Mage Illusioner | 60 | WIS 931 | Act XV | +41 Studded ABS Gauntlets | Spectral Miasma CXLVI | I can't believe I ate the whole thing.. |
5868 | Nerili | Gyrognome | Tickle-Mimic | 60 | CHA 1504 | Act XVI | +39 Studded Banded Magnetic Field | Spectral Miasma CXLV | |
5869 | Slothlord | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 60 | CHA 1676 | Act XVI | +24 Gilded Fine Plasma Greaves | Gyp CCII | I ate the all seeing all knowing bunny |
5870 | Glop III | Talking Pony | Battle-Felon | 60 | WIS 2051 | Act XV | +24 Cambric Impressive Plasma Helm | Cone of Annoyance CLVI | Me Hack, Me Slash! |
5871 | Deuce Loosely | Panda Man | Bastard Lunatic | 60 | CON 855 | Act XVI | +45 Serrated Steely Poleax | Clever Fellow CLIX | I'm drunk on panda mystery! |
5872 | Popotin | Gyrognome | Mu-Fu Monk | 60 | CHA 1505 | Act XV | +48 Gilded Tower Shield | Seasick CLXXX | YoYo Avryboudy. |
5873 | Clitlicker | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 60 | WIS 1428 | Act XVI | +27 Custom Plasma Sollerets | Tumor (Benign) CXIV | |
5874 | Boggy_b | Battle-Finch | Puma Burgular | 60 | DEX 952 | Act XV | +28 Banded Holy Diamond Mail Helm | Revolting Cloud CLVI | I'll fight with all my might 'till the end |
5875 | Nikx Industries. | Panda Man | Tickle-Mimic | 60 | CHA 1304 | Act XVI | +42 Dancing Vorpal Longsword | Aqueous Humor CLXXII | I'm on a Bus to Hell |
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