Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
5926 | Denti | Panda Man | Fighter/Organist | 60 | CHA 1231 | Act XVI | +41 Fine Cambric Chainmail Helm | Hastiness CXC | Flying - the most fun you can have with your pant |
5927 | Sgrunch | Panda Man | Ur-Paladin | 60 | STR 1405 | Act XV | +46 Banded Baroque Shield | Nestor's Bright Idea CXII | bonzaĆ® |
5928 | Krusha | Double Wookiee | Shiv-Knight | 60 | CON 880 | Act XV | +33 Festooned Custom Mithril Mail Gambeson | Good Move CLXXXIV | |
5929 | TeraSync | Low Elf | Bastard Lunatic | 60 | DEX 1021 | Act XV | +27 Gilded Studded Plasma Brassairts | Tumor (Benign) CXXXI | What we do in life eccos in eternalty |
5930 | Nu-Hir | Trans-Kobold | Fighter/Organist | 60 | DEX 1273 | Act XVI | +43 Impressive Scale Mail Vambraces | Aqueous Humor CLXXXVI | I'll be mellow when I'm dead |
5931 | Zar the Unpredictable | Trans-Kobold | Tickle-Mimic | 60 | DEX 977 | Act XVI | +24 Gilded Holy Plasma Hauberk | Mulligan CXLV | Kakkoii Pose! |
5932 | Sir George the Manhandler | Eel Man | Hunter Strangler | 60 | CON 1010 | Act XV | +37 Festooned Studded Kevlar Sollerets | Roger's Grand Illusion LXXXV | |
5933 | Sunset | Talking Pony | Tickle-Mimic | 60 | DEX 1939 | Act XV | +24 Custom Banded Plasma Vambraces | Holy Batpole CII | |
5934 | LilSunset | Talking Pony | Tickle-Mimic | 60 | STR 1175 | Act XV | +35 Banded Fine Kevlar Brassairts | Magnetic Orb CLXXX | |
5935 | Crippa | Greater Gnome | Runeloremaster | 60 | DEX 1153 | Act XVI | +24 Banded Fine Plasma Vambraces | Sadness CXCVIII |
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