Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
6064 | Kargath | Trans-Kobold | Robot Monk | 60 | CHA 1148 | Act XV | +24 Fine Cambric Plasma Gambeson | Holy Batpole CV | wtfz? |
6065 | superlime | Battle-Finch | Voodoo Princess | 60 | WIS 1414 | Act XVI | +35 Studded Holy Mithril Mail Hauberk | Tumor (Benign) CXIII | |
6066 | Jean Cretin | Demicanadian | Inner Mason | 60 | WIS 1795 | Act XV | +34 Gilded Custom Mithril Mail Vambraces | Lockjaw CXXVII | Kisama no aite wa, kono watashi da! |
6067 | Foint | Enchanted Motorcycle | Shiv-Knight | 60 | INT 956 | Act XV | +35 Fine Mithril Mail Vambraces | Animate Nightstand LXXXIX | Foint, fointus, fointare |
6068 | Moridin | Double Wookiee | Mu-Fu Monk | 60 | WIS 935 | Act XV | +28 Fine Custom Diamond Mail Helm | Tumor (Benign) CXXIX | |
6069 | Lord Zardoz | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 60 | STR 1118 | Act XV | +31 Holy Fine Mithril Mail Gambeson | Clever Fellow CXLII | Fear the weeping bacon because it has a Sword! |
6070 | Grumdrigz | Half Orc | Fighter/Organist | 60 | CHA 1455 | Act XV | +25 Gilded Banded Plasma Brassairts | Gyp CLXXXV | |
6071 | Gailin | Crested Dwarf | Mu-Fu Monk | 60 | STR 1656 | Act XV | +31 Fine Impressive Mithril Mail Helm | Nestor's Bright Idea CXXII | Codito, Ergo Sum |
6072 | Grolsch | Double Wookiee | Hunter Strangler | 60 | DEX 1197 | Act XV | +24 Banded Custom Plasma Brassairts | Holy Batpole CXIV | |
6073 | Tarzan | Eel Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 60 | WIS 1084 | Act XV | +36 Holy Gilded Kevlar Brassairts | Lockjaw CXVII | All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and |
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