Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
6146 | Chakkusu | Eel Man | Bastard Lunatic | 60 | STR 1735 | Act XVI | +39 Banded Studded Kevlar Hauberk | Hydrophobia CLX | Born to play pq until Jesus comes back or I die |
6147 | Ubermensch | Enchanted Motorcycle | Mu-Fu Monk | 60 | DEX 971 | Act XVI | +34 Holy Custom Titanium Greaves | Innoculate CLXIX | |
6148 | Pather | Low Elf | Tongueblade | 60 | WIS 1161 | Act XV | +40 Banded Cambric Platemail Cuisses | Clever Fellow CLI | |
6149 | Bloodred | Talking Pony | Hunter Strangler | 60 | WIS 1006 | Act XV | +25 Festooned Cambric Plasma Cuisses | Mulligan CXXVI | Bestiality! |
6150 | Anyanka | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 60 | WIS 2129 | Act XV | +29 Cambric Impressive Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Holy Batpole CXXI | Done! |
6151 | Vhye | Demicanadian | Tickle-Mimic | 60 | INT 890 | Act XV | +26 Holy Impressive Diamond Mail Vambraces | Magnetic Orb CLXVIII | |
6152 | Talzar | Demicanadian | Runeloremaster | 60 | STR 1134 | Act XV | +35 Custom Studded Mithril Mail Brassairts | Clever Fellow CXLIX | |
6153 | Cherandir | Double Wookiee | Ur-Paladin | 60 | CON 1511 | Act XVI | +32 Gilded Studded Diamond Mail Vambraces | Clever Fellow CXLV | Blerg. Eat kitty! |
6154 | Silly Twit | Eel Man | Hunter Strangler | 60 | STR 933 | Act XV | +38 Cambric Banded Titanium Gambeson | Gyp CXCVII | We will, we will, progress |
6155 | Brute! | Half Orc | Robot Monk | 60 | WIS 1296 | Act XV | +35 Cambric Holy Titanium Gauntlets | Tumor (Benign) CVIII | Brute CRUSH!!! |
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