Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
682 | Sumptuous Mistress of Atlantis | Battle-Finch | Tongueblade | 76 | WIS 12293 | Act XLVI | +43 Gilded Cambric Plasma Cuisses | Innoculate MDCCVII | It's a long way to Andromeda. |
683 | Flange | Panda Man | Runeloremaster | 76 | CHA 17261 | Act XLV | +44 Banded Plasma Hauberk | Nestor's Bright Idea MLXIII | |
684 | Ashalar | Gyrognome | Inner Mason | 76 | STR 19574 | Act XLVI | +47 Festooned Studded Diamond Mail Hauberk | Invisible Hands MDXXVII | Pants! |
685 | KingJerky | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 76 | WIS 8833 | Act XLV | +43 Banded Cambric Plasma Gambeson | Aqueous Humor MCDXXX | [ars] Get on your knees and say '0' to da King. |
686 | sheetfleenger | Dung Elf | Lowling | 76 | INT 9433 | Act XLV | +51 Custom Festooned Titanium Helm | Lockjaw MCXCI | Shut up or I'll lick your ass! |
687 | Mr Ploppy | Talking Pony | Inner Mason | 76 | INT 17697 | Act XLVII | +45 Custom Festooned Diamond Mail Greaves | Revolting Cloud MDXII | hmmmmmmmmmm |
688 | Huitzlopoctli | Double Wookiee | Puma Burgular | 76 | DEX 16636 | Act XLV | +50 Impressive Banded Titanium Gambeson | Sadness MDCCCV | Quetzlcoatl sucks |
689 | Darkblood Ripper | Battle-Finch | Tongueblade | 76 | CON 18060 | Act XLV | +63 Fine Impressive Plexiglass | Mulligan MCL | There's only one way to stop a mad watch... |
690 | Harold the Gland | Gyrognome | Inner Mason | 76 | CON 17653 | Act XLIV | +38 Custom Holy Plasma Brassairts | Holy Batpole CMXC | The Glandest of the Gland! |
691 | moondog | Skraeling | Bastard Lunatic | 76 | CON 9299 | Act XLV | +54 Gilded Fine Platemail Vambraces | Nestor's Bright Idea MLXXXIV |
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