Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
7181WasabiNoRyuuHalf ManTickle-Mimic58CHA 731Act XIV+31 Holy Impressive Kevlar CuissesTumor (Benign) XCSelf immolation sets you free!
7182Nobbin TookDouble HobbitVoodoo Princess58CHA 1057Act XIV+32 Dancing Invisible BandyclefNestor's Bright Idea XCIBetter than Many!
7183SUAVEASSHalf ManMu-Fu Monk58INT 616Act XIII+37 Gilded Cambric ABS HelmInnoculate CXLIXOh, i'm chasing this guy.. no.. he's chasing me!
7184CrayzorLow ElfUr-Paladin58INT 915Act XIV+42 Polished Vicious PoleaxNestor's Bright Idea CXVDie.
7185Bunny_SpadesDouble WookieeRobot Monk58WIS 827Act XIII+21 Banded Holy Plasma GreavesMagnetic Orb CXXVI
7186Twernt!Half OrcBattle-Felon58INT 867Act XIV+33 Custom Fine Kevlar GauntletsClever Fellow CXVIAh-Iggit Bla!
7187ElmyraGyrognomeFighter/Organist58STR 935Act XIII+24 Custom Cambric Plasma GreavesCone of Annoyance CXVIICQ: 5175342
7188FlagornotDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic58CHA 1045Act XIV+33 Studded Impressive Titanium GauntletsCone of Annoyance CXLI
7189Brent the PonytailedPanda ManMu-Fu Monk58DEX 1096Act XIV+27 Studded Impressive Diamond Mail HauberkHoly Batpole XCII
7190GloryToTheBrave [GTTB]Double HobbitFighter/Organist58WIS 856Act XIV+33 Holy Custom Kevlar HelmRevolting Cloud CXXV

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