Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
7301PeregrinHalf ManUr-Paladin58DEX 1048Act XIII+34 Holy Gilded ABS CuissesSpectral Miasma CXII
7302FrogWhoWill o' the WispTickle-Mimic58DEX 1179Act XIII+31 Impressive Studded Mithril Mail HauberkAnimate Nightstand XCV
7303TransealPanda ManBattle-Felon58CON 1348Act XIV+33 Banded Fine Titanium HauberkRabbit Punch CLXXXIIIts hunting season, bitch.
7304-Archangel-Panda ManMage Illusioner58INT 1491Act XIII+22 Impressive Plasma HauberkClever Fellow CXVIIIFear the Panda !
7305rlmetalLesser DwarfBastard Lunatic58INT 1131Act XIII+34 Banded Festooned Kevlar HauberkSlime Finger CLXXVIII
7306Robbie's RoomPanda ManBastard Lunatic58WIS 993Act XIII+30 Festooned Fine Mithril Mail HelmSadness CXLVII
7307PerrigorWill o' the WispFighter/Organist58STR 803Act XIII+35 Custom Banded ABS GauntletsLockjaw CVIIICheesecake
7308HellraiserHalf ManTongueblade58WIS 1087Act XIV+40 Festooned Holy Baroque ShieldTumor (Benign) LXXXVIIo_0
7309SixFeetDeepDung ElfMage Illusioner58WIS 829Act XIII+27 Festooned Custom Diamond Mail SolleretsSeasick CXXXIIIBite my shiny metal ass!
7310UnthornEnchanted MotorcycleRuneloremaster58CHA 690Act XIII+39 Custom Cambric Chainmail HelmRevolting Cloud CXIXI CHA-AA-AA-RGE!

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