Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
7644Gambal the GoldenDemicanadianMage Illusioner58INT 1303Act XIV+37 Studded Gilded Magnetic FieldHydrophobia CXXFrom death, lead me to immortality...
7645HarambikkelEnchanted MotorcycleRuneloremaster58CON 814Act XIII+40 Heavy Steely BandyclefSpectral Miasma CXXXIVRetired
7646SgtClueLsTalking PonyFighter/Organist58WIS 991Act XIV+32 Fine Holy Magnetic FieldHydrophobia CIXWho wants a ride on the talking pony of death?!?!
7647ScantronTalking PonyTongueblade58INT 1180Act XIII+34 Vicious Dancing BandyclefHastiness CLVIII
7648R.CadeEel ManMage Illusioner58CHA 980Act XIII+19 Impressive Custom Plasma HauberkSpectral Miasma CXXVIThou shalt all be coughin' up blood!
7649Burnt ToastGyrognomeMu-Fu Monk58CHA 866Act XIII+35 Cambric Gilded Titanium VambracesHoly Batpole XCIIButter side down
7650King MobHalf ManBastard Lunatic58CON 1559Act XIV+21 Banded Impressive Plasma SolleretsInnoculate CXXXIX
7651OctoCrested DwarfInner Mason58CON 1211Act XIV+41 Pronged BandyclefClever Fellow CXIII
7652Goblinmonkey4Battle-FinchInner Mason58STR 887Act XIV+26 Banded Impressive Diamond Mail HauberkCone of Annoyance CXXIXLarge chicken apricot pan pizza...
7653KarlsefnisenEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic58INT 1297Act XIV+25 Festooned Plasma HelmGyp CLXIV

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