Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
7703 | Blargsnath | Will o' the Wisp | Bastard Lunatic | 58 | CHA 705 | Act XIII | +27 Impressive Diamond Mail Hauberk | Cone of Annoyance CXVII | |
7704 | Jhi'vik | Greater Gnome | Voodoo Princess | 58 | DEX 1028 | Act XIII | +24 Banded Studded Plasma Greaves | Animate Nightstand LXXXVI | |
7705 | St0neD RaiDer | Demicanadian | Tongueblade | 58 | STR 607 | Act XIII | +26 Cambric Plasma Greaves | Tumor (Benign) LXXI | Smoke weed everyday |
7706 | Rothgar_Maulrur | Half Orc | Bastard Lunatic | 58 | DEX 1153 | Act XIV | +34 Gilded Holy Kevlar Sollerets | Invisible Hands CXL | Rothgar, http://dawgclan.vectorstar.net |
7707 | Granite Mage | Demicanadian | Mage Illusioner | 58 | STR 1092 | Act XIII | +22 Fine Studded Plasma Gauntlets | Sadness CLI | I r0x0rz j00z |
7708 | Makron | Gyrognome | Ur-Paladin | 58 | STR 1157 | Act XIII | +27 Gilded Holy Diamond Mail Helm | Aqueous Humor CXVIII | Have a Nice Day....or die. |
7709 | Travolta | Panda Man | Tickle-Mimic | 58 | STR 1123 | Act XIII | +20 Banded Impressive Plasma Gauntlets | Clever Fellow XCVI | K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) |
7710 | LET ME BE SNIPER | Panda Man | Voodoo Princess | 58 | CON 714 | Act XIV | +35 Cambric Impressive ABS Greaves | Hydrophobia XCVI | HAHAHA U SO FUNNY!!!1 |
7711 | Traak | Demicanadian | Mu-Fu Monk | 58 | CHA 1254 | Act XIII | +21 Studded Impressive Plasma Cuisses | Animate Nightstand LXXXVIII | Hey! Wanna see my magic sword? |
7712 | lummox66 | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 58 | WIS 1072 | Act XIV | +38 Custom Gilded Splint Mail Vambraces | Holy Batpole CII | Attitudes are contagious - mine might kill you. |
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