Realm of Knoram
Pop. 72526

Hall of Fame

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M)
7764gashimo0rgosothHalf HalflingMage Illusioner58STR 980Act XIV+21 Fine Custom Plasma HauberkMulligan CXVgashimo0rgosoth is my name! don't you ever forget
7765BelgiWill o' the WispRuneloremaster58WIS 1029Act XIV+37 Fine Cambric Platemail BrassairtsInnoculate CXXXIIYes... yes .. yes
7766Tarrens NutzEnchanted MotorcycleTickle-Mimic58CON 761Act XIII+30 Impressive Fine Kevlar VambracesNestor's Bright Idea LXXXIVI roxxor tarren!!
7767EvandarPanda ManMage Illusioner57WIS 811Act XIII+29 Banded Cambric Diamond Mail HelmBig Sister LXXXIX"Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes.."
7768Crazy foolDemicanadianLowling57CHA 1320Act XIII+33 Studded Festooned Mithril Mail GreavesLockjaw CXBeware Demon Porn Elementals,I'm coming for thee!
7769PhenixDemicanadianTickle-Mimic57STR 906Act XIII+19 Holy Fine Plasma HauberkHydrophobia CIIISarcasm. Its a way of life.
7770GrumdrigfdfDemicanadianRobot Monk57CON 721Act XIII+36 Studded Gilded Magnetic FieldHastiness CLXVIIRaine Miada Poopy!!!
7771ArmourkingHalf OrcRobot Monk57CHA 614Act XIII+33 Festooned Custom Magnetic FieldLockjaw LXXXVIII[Complicated pictogram][urinating dog]
7772EdricDung ElfMu-Fu Monk57DEX 756Act XIII+33 Festooned Gilded Titanium HelmSlime Finger CXLVII
7773#GOS McVicarEnchanted MotorcycleRuneloremaster57STR 1068Act XIII+35 Gilded Banded Kevlar SolleretsMulligan LXXXI*GoZ* *MyZ*

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