Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
7894 | Evantine Ellessedil | Skraeling | Hunter Strangler | 57 | DEX 1191 | Act XIII | +32 Custom Banded Mithril Mail Vambraces | Magnetic Orb CV | The King of Elves. Bow to me bitches! |
7895 | Rodney | Half Halfling | Mu-Fu Monk | 57 | WIS 693 | Act XIII | +35 Festooned Studded Kevlar Cuisses | Braingate LXXIII | Chillin' & Grillin' |
7896 | Bragol Gurth | Dung Elf | Ur-Paladin | 57 | CON 790 | Act XIII | +30 Impressive Holy Kevlar Brassairts | Nestor's Bright Idea LXXXV | Computing time :-) |
7897 | WewaOfDeath | Greater Gnome | Tongueblade | 57 | CON 588 | Act XII | +21 Fine Studded Plasma Gauntlets | Slime Finger CLXII | Give me more beer golems! |
7898 | Azaldur | Battle-Finch | Ur-Paladin | 57 | STR 1254 | Act XIII | +35 Cambric Studded Mithril Mail Gambeson | Slime Finger CL | |
7899 | Forever | Dung Elf | Shiv-Knight | 57 | INT 792 | Act XII | +32 Gilded Fine Kevlar Gambeson | Curse Name LXIV | |
7900 | Ashdrig | Double Hobbit | Bastard Lunatic | 57 | STR 1105 | Act XII | +22 Festooned Cambric Plasma Hauberk | Nestor's Bright Idea LXXXVIII | They have the internet on computers now! |
7901 | Agoranopalathanassa | Panda Man | Voodoo Princess | 57 | DEX 661 | Act XIII | +27 Festooned Banded Diamond Mail Helm | Holy Batpole LXXIII | Fuck EverQuest! This is faster! |
7902 | Jherin | Dung Elf | Puma Burgular | 57 | CHA 799 | Act XII | +32 Studded Festooned Mithril Mail Gauntlets | Slime Finger CLI | |
7903 | RaR~Monster | Talking Pony | Bastard Lunatic | 57 | CHA 886 | Act XII | +20 Impressive Cambric Plasma Sollerets | Holy Batpole LXXXII | RaR~ is allll mine!!!! |
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