Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
8133 | Gardaan The Monkey | Eel Man | Robot Monk | 57 | WIS 1150 | Act XIII | +24 Gilded Cambric Plasma Cuisses | Spectral Miasma CVIII | Bitch, WTF ! |
8134 | Spronkke | Low Elf | Hunter Strangler | 57 | DEX 866 | Act XIII | +30 Fine Holy Titanium Hauberk | Hydrophobia C | Vittu joo |
8135 | Aslinus | Double Hobbit | Shiv-Knight | 57 | WIS 1107 | Act XIII | +32 Gilded Holy Titanium Sollerets | Sadness CXXXIX | Is it possible to devour your own skull? |
8136 | Rush | Demicanadian | Battle-Felon | 57 | DEX 1220 | Act XII | +22 Festooned Cambric Plasma Gauntlets | Animate Nightstand LXXXIV | By the power of Xanadu! |
8137 | Me5 | Talking Pony | Voodoo Princess | 57 | STR 681 | Act XII | +31 Impressive Festooned Kevlar Greaves | Lockjaw LXXXIV | Nos |
8138 | DuncMonk | Panda Man | Tongueblade | 57 | CHA 635 | Act XII | +19 Holy Festooned Plasma Gambeson | Clever Fellow XCVI | |
8139 | Seraphi | Double Wookiee | Bastard Lunatic | 57 | INT 670 | Act XIII | +18 Impressive Holy Plasma Vambraces | Animate Nightstand LXXXIII | |
8140 | Ed's Room | Half Orc | Battle-Felon | 57 | STR 872 | Act XII | +37 Holy Splint Mail Hauberk | Hydrophobia CI | http://www.edsroom.com - A wretched hive of scum |
8141 | Smoltar the Mighty | Crested Dwarf | Inner Mason | 57 | DEX 1504 | Act XIII | +34 Dancing Invisible Poleax | Innoculate CXVI | I am the priest of Velfire, I foretell his coming. |
8142 | Arsenic Drone | Eel Man | Robot Monk | 57 | WIS 768 | Act XII | +29 Gilded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Magnetic Orb CXVI | helo im 13 plz kill me k thx bye. heal???????? |
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