Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
8233 | Voodoochile | Battle-Finch | Voodoo Princess | 57 | INT 1007 | Act XIII | +22 Festooned Banded Plasma Cuisses | Clever Fellow XCIV | |
8234 | Gandarfunkel | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 57 | CHA 694 | Act XIII | +29 Fine Impressive Titanium Greaves | Gyp CLII | Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? |
8235 | Gaef | Greater Gnome | Puma Burgular | 57 | WIS 559 | Act XII | +30 Festooned Holy Titanium Gauntlets | Nestor's Bright Idea LXVIII | TIPPO SUCKS |
8236 | Damaclin | Half Man | Hunter Strangler | 57 | CHA 763 | Act XII | +22 Holy Plasma Cuisses | Cone of Annoyance CII | Never play leapfrog with a unicorn... |
8237 | Smuckers | Panda Man | Tongueblade | 57 | INT 913 | Act XIII | +21 Impressive Studded Plasma Sollerets | Curse Name LXX | Toungeblade? A fricken *Toungeblade*?!? |
8238 | Ovrkill | Battle-Finch | Puma Burgular | 57 | CHA 1202 | Act XII | +23 Fine Holy Diamond Mail Gambeson | Braingate LXXIV | |
8239 | preciouslittle | Talking Pony | Bastard Lunatic | 57 | CON 869 | Act XIII | +30 Holy Custom Mithril Mail Hauberk | Braingate LXXXVII | I say preciouslittle! |
8240 | LOLouneur | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 57 | INT 500 | Act XII | +27 Gilded Banded Diamond Mail Brassairts | Aqueous Humor LXXXIII | Please visit www.chevoo.com |
8241 | Dark Seji | Panda Man | Inner Mason | 57 | WIS 890 | Act XII | +35 Studded Mithril Mail Hauberk | Gyp CVIII | Mooooooooooooo! |
8242 | jesux | Talking Pony | Mage Illusioner | 57 | CHA 914 | Act XII | +20 Custom Festooned Plasma Gambeson | Clever Fellow CIII | Please visit www.chevoo.com |
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