Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
8283 | Selthifolium | Low Elf | Runeloremaster | 57 | CON 665 | Act XII | +42 Studded Banded Baroque Shield | Innoculate CXI | You smell like candy |
8284 | Chaotic Kiwi | Battle-Finch | Voodoo Princess | 57 | WIS 989 | Act XIII | +41 Serrated Venomed Halberd | Magnetic Orb CXIX | I got repetitive stress injury from this game. |
8285 | Bumburgler | Eel Man | Robot Monk | 57 | INT 1225 | Act XII | +27 Festooned Studded Diamond Mail Brassairts | Hydrophobia LXXI | my penis is bigger then yours |
8286 | Dark Frodo1 | Double Hobbit | Ur-Paladin | 57 | INT 874 | Act XIII | +37 Banded Kevlar Vambraces | Revolting Cloud CXII | |
8287 | Dark Frodo2 | Double Hobbit | Mage Illusioner | 57 | DEX 706 | Act XIII | +38 Dancing Venomed Lance | Cone of Annoyance CXVII | |
8288 | Blap | Double Wookiee | Shiv-Knight | 57 | INT 745 | Act XII | +37 Vicious Heavy Bandyclef | Tumor (Benign) LXXI | Blap Bap yoo! |
8289 | emanon | Talking Pony | Robot Monk | 57 | INT 688 | Act XII | +21 Cambric Holy Plasma Gauntlets | Cone of Annoyance CXV | I wank men for food |
8290 | xyz0403 | Panda Man | Robot Monk | 57 | WIS 893 | Act XIII | +22 Fine Studded Plasma Brassairts | Good Move CXXII | smells like a steak and seats 35... canyonero! |
8291 | Dark Gandolf | Double Hobbit | Mage Illusioner | 57 | STR 831 | Act XIII | +34 Studded Gilded Mithril Mail Gambeson | Animate Nightstand LXXVII | |
8292 | Lord of Magic | Dung Elf | Mage Illusioner | 57 | CON 1518 | Act XIII | +20 Custom Holy Plasma Gambeson | Innoculate CXX |
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