Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) |
994 | Zargoth, Destroyer of Souls | Crested Dwarf | Hunter Strangler | 73 | WIS 7983 | Act XXXVI | +49 Festooned Cambric Titanium Gambeson | Big Sister DCXLVI | It's a bomb. |
995 | Killdigger | Will o' the Wisp | Battle-Felon | 73 | CON 10453 | Act XXXVI | +48 Fine Studded Titanium Helm | Aqueous Humor DCCCXIX | Mercy Hurts! -- Clan Crumb |
996 | Smee Dog | Battle-Finch | Tongueblade | 73 | DEX 10459 | Act XXXVI | +48 Holy Cambric Titanium Gauntlets | Cone of Paste DXCIV | Mercy Hurts! -- Clan Crumb |
997 | Muck Rapist | Battle-Finch | Shiv-Knight | 73 | STR 8106 | Act XXXVI | +49 Banded Festooned Kevlar Gambeson | Spectral Miasma DCCCXIII | Mercy Hurts! -- Clan Crumb |
998 | Jerm Rancor | Battle-Finch | Hunter Strangler | 73 | DEX 10364 | Act XXXVI | +43 Impressive Holy Mithril Mail Hauberk | Big Sister DLXVIII | Mercy Hurts! -- Clan Crumb |
999 | _Zandor | Enchanted Motorcycle | Bastard Lunatic | 73 | DEX 5656 | Act XXXVI | +41 Studded Plasma Vambraces | Cone of Paste DLXV | Come ride my Fat Boy!! |
1000 | Rafe | Trans-Kobold | Battle-Felon | 73 | STR 8576 | Act XXXVI | +52 Banded Cambric ABS Sollerets | Seasick MLXXIV | 3vil l337. |
1001 | Montanus | Dung Elf | Fighter/Organist | 73 | INT 8225 | Act XXXVI | +48 Cambric Impressive Magnetic Field | Revolting Cloud DCCCXVIII | Error qui non resistitur approbatur |
1002 | Nazzy | Low Elf | Battle-Felon | 73 | CHA 6594 | Act XXXVI | +46 Custom Festooned Mithril Mail Gauntlets | Cone of Paste DLXXX | Hattrick for life --- www.hattrick.org |
1003 | BolaNoNoNoNo | Enchanted Motorcycle | Mu-Fu Monk | 73 | INT 7640 | Act XXXVIII | +36 Festooned Fine Plasma Gauntlets | Lockjaw DCCLXXVII | May the fastest processor win |
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