Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
478 | 95 | Talking Pony | Shiv-Knight | 92 | INT 66037 | Act CXII | +69 Banded Studded Mithril Mail Gauntlets | Hydrophobia MMMMMMMDCXXX | pwning you while afk | |
479 | TOAST-FACE KILLAHHH | Half Man | Slow Poisoner | 92 | CON 18830 | Act XLV | +44 Fine Custom Diamond Mail Vambraces | Holy Batpole CMXXVI | Blat Blat Blat | DROPtables |
480 | Oton | Eel Man | Hunter Strangler | 92 | WIS 62567 | Act CXII | +75 Serrated Dancing Spontoon | Invisible Hands MMMMMMMMDCLXXI | Another day, another diplocidus fin. | Yellofin |
481 | Cretxot | Half Man | Birdrider | 92 | WIS 103 | Act I | +72 Gilded Studded Platemail Sollerets | Curse Name IV | ||
482 | Stinky the Wise | Dung Elf | Mage Illusioner | 92 | WIS 58414 | Act XC | +49 Custom Holy Plasma Gauntlets | Revolting Cloud MMMMMCCCLXV | ☼QFT☼ | |
483 | PalaFriend | Half Man | Ur-Paladin | 92 | STR 61545 | Act CVIII | +69 Fine Splint Mail Brassairts | Nonplus MMMMDCCCXXXIII | Strongly bringing progress to the primitive | FCoP |
484 | Revisionist History | Communist | Historian | 91 | CHA 123561 | Act 1984 | +125752 Forked Tongue | Doublethink XDVII | I never said that! | |
485 | Gradlon | Half Man | Runeloremaster | 91 | STR 39542 | Act XCIV | +60 Impressive Cambric Mithril Mail Brassairts | Big Sister MMMMDCCCXCII | Singlehandedly submerged Ys. | Yellofin |
486 | Surfin'German | Dung Elf | Inner Mason | 91 | INT 62288 | Act CVI | +68 Vorpal Vicious Halberd | Clever Fellow MMMMMMDCLXXX | Sur Fingerman | SfE |
487 | Nupjoz | Gyrognome | Mu-Fu Monk | 91 | STR 63578 | Act CV | +58 Studded Impressive Diamond Mail Helm | Holy Batpole MMMMMCLXVII | Don't imitate, irritate! | SfE |
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