Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
578 | Heka | Half Man | Tickle-Mimic | 57 | STR 150 | Act II | Festooned Bearskin Gambeson | Sadness VIII | ||
579 | NotCheating | Half Halfling | Evil Cheatzer | 56 | CON 698 | Act XII | +22 Holy Impressive Diamond Mail Gauntlets | Cheatin MCCCLIII | What, me cheating? Say it ain't so! | |
580 | ÆáºÚÖ®½£ | Will o' the Wisp | Bastard Lunatic | 56 | DEX 1462 | Act XII | +18 Festooned Impressive Plasma Cuisses | Sadness XCVIII | ÎÒÖ»ÄÜÓÀ²»Ä¥Ã𣬶øÄ㽫»áÍò½Ù²»¸´ ~~~~~ £¡ | ²»Ã÷ |
581 | Lugh | Low Elf | Runeloremaster | 56 | STR 161 | Act V | +28 Festooned Cambric Magnetic Field | Rabbit Punch XXI | Where's Fragarach gone?! | FCoP |
582 | Naenam | Black Drake | Slow Poisoner | 55 | WIS 718 | Act XI | +17 Gilded Impressive Plasma Helm | Gyp LXXXIX | ||
583 | Zenev | Land Squid | Puma Burgular | 55 | INT 65 | Act II | +19 Polished Halberd | Magnetic Orb VII | ||
584 | Leeter | Gyrognome | Mu-Fu Monk | 54 | DEX 41 | Act I | +36 Venomed Steely Poleax | Mulligan III | May the source be with you | |
585 | WikoX | Half Orc | Fighter/Organist | 54 | DEX 686 | Act X | +32 Pronged Stabbity Bandyclef | Magnetic Orb LXXVI | 4578204E61766963756C61204E617669732E | TT2.0 |
586 | Whookkret | Panda Man | Ur-Paladin | 53 | STR 654 | Act X | +30 Studded Festooned Titanium Hauberk | Holy Batpole L | ||
587 | Nutgrooz | Eel Man | Inner Mason | 53 | CHA 449 | Act IX | +29 Custom Gilded Kevlar Vambraces | Cone of Paste LII | OMGWTF Blrog H4X ?!!!?!/one | PQaaS |
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