Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
688 | MICO | Double Wookiee | Battle-Felon | 35 | STR 138 | Act III | +5 Festooned Cambric Diamond Mail Vambraces | Holy Batpole VIII | ||
689 | lm321 | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 35 | WIS 69 | Act III | Festooned Studded Plasma Helm | Spectral Miasma XIX | ||
690 | Devil king Mundus | Skraeling | Bastard Lunatic | 34 | INT 100006 | Act III | +3 Plasma Vambraces | Gyp VIII | The world and chaos are in my hands !!!!!!!!!!!!!! | ²»Ã÷ |
691 | KingSpilly | Talking Pony | Ur-Paladin | 34 | CHA 68 | Act III | Custom Plasma Greaves | Seasick XVI | The cake is over 9000 arrows to the knee | |
692 | Gruckien | Greater Gnome | Robot Monk | 33 | STR 67 | Act III | Banded Cambric Plasma Hauberk | Magnetic Orb XIII | BeHinD yOU | |
693 | Eckxin | Will o' the Wisp | Shiv-Knight | 33 | CON 46 | Act II | +6 Impressive Festooned Magnetic Field | Sadness X | xepace | |
694 | ][ Ford ][ | Half Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 33 | WIS 72 | Act III | +2 Plasma Sollerets | Good Move VIII | True is Real. | |
695 | Trudyem | Panda Man | Ur-Paladin | 33 | DEX 76 | Act III | +3 Gilded Banded Diamond Mail Gambeson | Spectral Miasma XI | ||
696 | Otod | Demicanadian | Bastard Lunatic | 32 | WIS 45 | Act X | Plasma Brassairts | Cone of Paste IV | ||
697 | Shigtraem | Gyrognome | Hunter Strangler | 32 | DEX 71 | Act III | +9 Studded Holy ABS Helm | Cone of Annoyance XII |
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