Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
758 | Lemlub | Will o' the Wisp | Tickle-Mimic | 20 | STR 26 | Act I | Kevlar Vambraces | Cone of Annoyance III | no clue | |
759 | Hysteria | Battle-Finch | Hunter Strangler | 20 | STR 38 | Act II | +3 Gilded Chainmail Vambraces | Magnetic Orb VI | ||
760 | a082 | Half Orc | Ur-Paladin | 20 | STR 35 | Act III | +1 Kevlar Helm | Invisible Hands VIII | ||
761 | I really love Sung-Eun | Low Elf | Ur-Paladin | 19 | STR 131613 | Act II | -1 Mithril Mail Greaves | Gyp V | ||
762 | Natasha Fatale | Skraeling | Slow Poisoner | 19 | STR 33 | Act I | -1 Patched Burlap Sollerets | Slime Finger IV | ||
763 | Hobbes897 | Uber-Cat ian | Frickin' Ba | 19 | STR 995 | Act II | Kevlar Sollerets | Holy Batpole VI | Touched by His Noodly Appendage. | |
764 | HukaHukaMofMof | Low Elf | Tickle-Mimic | 19 | WIS 42 | Act II | +8 Serrated Heavy Spontoon | Vitreous Humor III | ||
765 | Xickvieck | Half Man | Battle-Felon | 19 | DEX 108 | Act I | +2 Platemail Helm | Good Move III | ||
766 | Shietshat | Half Halfling | Shiv-Knight | 19 | INT 38 | Act II | Studded ABS Hauberk | Sadness VIII | ||
767 | wawa1234wawa | Low Elf | Ur-Paladin | 19 | INT 41 | Act II | Studded ABS Hauberk | Rabbit Punch X |
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