Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
788 | nuko | Will o' the Wisp | Lowling | 15 | WIS 36 | Act II | +3 Polished Culverin | Gyp V | ||
789 | testman | Dung Elf | Voodoo Princess | 15 | WIS 25 | Act I | Faded Chainmail Hauberk | Nonplus III | ||
790 | Amanita pantherina | Half Man | Voodoo Princess | 15 | CON 29 | Act II | +4 Banded Pavise | Gyp V | UMA | |
791 | ÑîÖÇÉ | Panda Man | Ur-Paladin | 15 | STR 36 | Act II | -1 Splint Mail Vambraces | Innoculate VI | ||
792 | Lotaeb | Talking Pony | Birdrider | 15 | DEX 34 | Act II | Chainmail Hauberk | Invisible Hands IV | ||
793 | Twlight_Sparkle | Talking Pony | Mage Illusioner | 15 | STR 29 | Act II | -2 Motheaten Titanium Hauberk | Lockjaw IV | ||
794 | whatwaht | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 14 | DEX 34 | Act II | +3 Serrated Peen-arm | Revolting Cloud III | ||
795 | Ornetos | Half Man | Runeloremaster | 14 | STR 30 | Act II | +1 Scale Mail Gauntlets | Rabbit Punch VIII | I am Ornetos the Almighty. Bow to me! | |
796 | japan | Greater Gnome | Slow Poisoner | 14 | WIS 21 | Act II | +1 Scale Mail Gambeson | Rabbit Punch XIII | Fucking japan!!!!!!! | |
797 | TyMinator | Panda Man | Shiv-Knight | 14 | STR 36 | Act II | -1 Holey Splint Mail Brassairts | Invisible Hands III | Day |
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