Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
867 | Oovyuk | Talking Pony | Ur-Paladin | 8 | CHA 26 | Act I | -1 Pavise | Good Move V | ||
868 | Vubbriem | Panda Man | Mu-Fu Monk | 8 | CHA 26 | Act I | +2 Gilded Burlap Greaves | Hastiness IV | ||
869 | Recep Tayyip Erdogan | Half Orc | Ur-Paladin | 8 | DEX 120 | Act I | -2 Bearskin Gambeson | Acrid Hands II | ||
870 | Emman | Half Orc | Ur-Paladin | 8 | STR 10005 | Act I | +2 Flannel Helm | Slime Finger III | kill | |
871 | Cheaterman | Demicanadian | Lowling | 7 | WIS 100000 | Act I | Chamois Helm | Invisible Hands II | ||
872 | Zotpruv | Demicanadian | Fighter/Organist | 7 | STR 100009 | Act I | Chamois Brassairts | Hastiness IV | ||
873 | Who is the Ford | Half Man | Robot Monk | 7 | CON 131613 | Act I | Flannel Cuisses | Magnetic Orb II | What the hell! | Ford's Land |
874 | Ogwhet | Panda Man | Battle-Felon | 7 | STR 21 | Act I | -1 Pleathers Helm | Rabbit Punch I | ||
875 | Harrier | Half Orc | Battle-Felon | 7 | DEX 22 | Act I | Chamois Sollerets | Mulligan II | Be we Harriers? Aye, we're Harriers. | |
876 | Ferion | Half Man | Voodoo Princess | 7 | STR 100006 | Act I | Cambric Gilded Macrame Sollerets | Mulligan I |
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