Rank | Name | Race | Class | Level | Prime Stat | Plot Stage | Prized Item | Specialty | Motto (Ctrl-M) | Guild (Ctrl-G) |
977 | Labrat2 | Eel Man | Slow Poisoner | 3 | DEX 16 | Act I | +1 Macrame | Sadness III | No, seriously, who moved my cheese? | |
978 | Labrat3 | Eel Man | Slow Poisoner | 3 | DEX 16 | Act I | +1 Macrame | Sadness III | No, seriously, who moved my cheese? | |
979 | Labrat5 | Eel Man | Slow Poisoner | 3 | DEX 16 | Act I | Macrame | Hastiness IV | No, seriously, who moved my cheese? | |
980 | Labrat7 | Eel Man | Slow Poisoner | 3 | DEX 16 | Act I | Macrame | Seasick I | No, seriously, who moved my cheese? | |
981 | Cdora | Will o' the Wisp | Mage Illusioner | 3 | INT 23 | Act I | Burlap Sollerets | Invisible Hands II | ! | Cdora |
982 | Beergoggles | Frat Boy | Drunkard k | 3 | CON 19 | Act I | Burlap Cuisses | Beer Guzz II | Sex and keggers! | |
983 | yangzhisen | Lesser Dwarf | Tongueblade | 3 | CHA 21 | Act I | +1 Macrame Hauberk | Hastiness I | ||
984 | God-Eye-Own | GamerzSource. | Fighter/Organist | 3 | STR 15 | Act I | -4 Patched Mildewed Bearskin Hauberk | Innoculate II | ||
985 | Fearless Leader | Half Halfling | Inner Mason | 3 | STR 20 | Act I | Macrame Gambeson | Rabbit Punch III | Report! | |
986 | Krukzak | Will o' the Wisp | Hunter Strangler | 3 | CON 21 | Act I | -2 Rusty Threadbare Bearskin Gauntlets | Revolting Cloud II |
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