Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Dark Legion of Chaos
Pop. 94

Dark Legion of Chaos

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
41KroozgronSkraelingUr-Paladin10CON 25Act ICorroded Scale Mail GambesonHydrophobia IIIDLoC
42NebvoutTrans-KoboldBastard Lunatic10CHA 29Act ICorroded Scale Mail BrassairtsSlime Finger IVDLoC
43FritbraxGreater GnomeTongueblade10INT 20Act IBearskin HauberkMagnetic Orb IVDLoC
44IedshubHalf ManMage Illusioner10INT 27Act I+1 Leathers GambesonSadness VDLoC
45KrapdretDung ElfSlow Poisoner10CHA 28Act I+1 PaviseAqueous Humor IIIDLoC
46FrancraenTrans-KoboldPuma Burgular10CHA 29Act I+1 Banded Chamois GambesonRevolting Cloud IVDLoC
47JiegdroogLow ElfMage Illusioner10INT 32Act IPronged BliboInnoculate IVDLoC
48VoozyackLesser DwarfTickle-Mimic10CHA 20Act I+2 Pleathers GambesonClever Fellow IIIDLoC
49PrigoutCrested DwarfFighter/Organist10CHA 25Act I-1 Ringmail HelmSeasick VDLoC
50WhavkrookLand SquidHunter Strangler10INT 21Act IPeen-armSeasick VIDLoC

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