Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Yahooligans
Pop. 80


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
61WTF mateLesser DwarfShiv-Knight73CHA 10284Act XXXVIII+46 Cambric Studded Diamond Mail SolleretsCone of Paste DCCXXXVIIIYahooligans
62ROFLCHOPSWill o' the WispSlow Poisoner73DEX 6988Act XXXVII+58 Polished Venomed LanceGyp MXXVmira cabron!Yahooligans
63roflsaurus rexLow ElfBattle-Felon70STR 5863Act XXIX+46 Custom Gilded Kevlar GauntletsCone of Paste CDXVWHO JUST JOINED!!!!!?11Yahooligans
64Warmin' My FeetsPanda ManBirdrider70INT 4505Act XXIX+34 Cambric Holy Plasma GambesonTumor (Benign) CCCLIIYahooligans
65zomgrabbitEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess68CHA 2275Act XXV+40 Custom Fine Mithril Mail GreavesHastiness DLXXIXROFLSAURUS MAKE A FUNNY!Yahooligans
66ttylnukeTalking PonyFighter/Organist68INT 2392Act XXV+43 Custom Fine ABS CuissesRevolting Cloud CDXXXIVROFLSAURUS MAKE A FUNNY!Yahooligans
67blockin ur internetsTalking PonyVoodoo Princess65WIS 2800Act XXII+42 Gilded Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsMagnetic Orb CCCXXVIIIYahooligans
68pL4Ym4KKRGreater GnomeRobot Monk58INT 939Act XIII+31 Impressive Banded Titanium CuissesNestor's Bright Idea LXVIIIAh. These minstrels will sooth my jangled nerves.Yahooligans
69PraebxovTalking PonyPuma Burgular56CHA 1213Act XII+19 Cambric Impressive Plasma CuissesNestor's Bright Idea LXIVOMGPonies!Yahooligans
70WebforwardLand SquidShiv-Knight53DEX 565Act X+18 Holy Studded Plasma SolleretsInvisible Hands LVIDEX!Yahooligans

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