Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for LUElinks
Pop. 408


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
281EsiyDouble WookieePuma Burgular33CHA 74Act IIIGilded Plasma HauberkCone of Paste VIIL402
282YodandyLand SquidBirdrider33STR 74Act III+1 Studded Plasma HauberkRevolting Cloud VIIL402
283RoockgragGyrognomePuma Burgular33DEX 72Act III+10 Studded Gilded Titanium CuissesHoly Batpole VIIL402
284AckougDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic33INT 104Act IIIFestooned Fine Diamond Mail SolleretsSlime Finger XIWhat's better than one wookie? A DOUBLE WOOKIE!!L402
285VeeshanTalking PonyShiv-Knight33STR 60Act III+7 Fine Banded Titanium SolleretsCone of Paste IXL402
286DuckingWill o' the WispTickle-Mimic33INT 70Act IIIStudded Cambric Plasma GambesonBraingate VL402
287CjayCDung ElfSlow Poisoner33INT 99Act III+10 Festooned Titanium VambracesSadness XIIL402
288Viktor FrigateBattle-FinchBirdrider33STR 94Act III+11 Fine ABS HelmMulligan VIIL402
289FordahordeCrested DwarfTongueblade33DEX 100Act III+5 Cambric Studded Diamond Mail HauberkCone of Annoyance VIIIL402
290DrooxfruxEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic33DEX 79Act III+8 Custom Festooned Magnetic FieldCurse Name VIIchoco117L402

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