Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for LUElinks
Pop. 408


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
81EnexiaWill o' the WispBirdrider60STR 1853Act XV+33 Holy Fine Kevlar GambesonNestor's Bright Idea CL402
82ChronoBrocGyrognomeRuneloremaster60CHA 1218Act XV+27 Festooned Holy Diamond Mail HauberkMulligan CXVL402
83ShifterLow ElfMage Illusioner60WIS 1703Act XV+37 Fine Cambric ABS SolleretsHoly Batpole CXVL402
84PadreLLDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic60INT 1244Act XV+37 Gilded Banded Magnetic FieldMagnetic Orb CLL402
85SkancertDemicanadianTongueblade60DEX 2101Act XV+34 Festooned Impressive ABS GreavesAqueous Humor CLVL402
86BalloonsHalf OrcBastard Lunatic59STR 896Act XV+34 Fine Banded Titanium CuissesSeasick CLXXXVPARTY HARDL402
87EjgsLow ElfVoodoo Princess59DEX 1046Act XV+28 Gilded Holy Diamond Mail GreavesClever Fellow CXXIXL402
88FrakgrimEnchanted MotorcycleMage Illusioner59CON 1911Act XV+33 Studded Impressive Mithril Mail BrassairtsClever Fellow CXXL402
89DumbshitEnchanted MotorcyclePuma Burgular59DEX 971Act XV+24 Fine Studded Plasma BrassairtsHoly Batpole CIIL402
90FripxapDouble WookieeBattle-Felon59CHA 1086Act XIV+50 Pronged WhinyardCone of Paste XCVIIL402

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