Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Book of Heavy Metal
Pop. 5

Book of Heavy Metal

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
1ThrognarDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic87CON 65164Act XCVIII+74 Steely Heavy LanceCone of Paste MADCCLXMord og kirkebrann!BoHM
2Meaty McFudgemLand SquidVoodoo Princess75CON 12348Act XLIII+59 Steely Pronged PoleaxHydrophobia CMLXWhere is my catamite?BoHM
3SpongePanda ManPuma Burgular57DEX 936Act XII+19 Custom Fine Plasma BrassairtsMulligan LXXIBoHM
4PronjobPanda ManTongueblade56STR 1196Act XII+28 Custom Diamond Mail GauntletsCone of Paste LXXVIi c wut u did tharBoHM
5CurlywurlyEel ManBattle-Felon52CON 357Act IX+24 Banded Diamond Mail GambesonHydrophobia XXXVIIWurly.BoHM

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