Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for gamrchat
Pop. 189


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
61DyzzyDouble HobbitHunter Strangler69CHA 4355Act XXIX+45 Custom Banded Titanium GambesonClever Fellow DXVIII4 8 15 16 23 42gamrchat
62ZitunCrested DwarfMu-Fu Monk69CHA 3267Act XXVIII+37 Banded Impressive Diamond Mail GambesonBig Sister CCCXCIIgamrchat
63XoockcromDouble WookieeHunter Strangler69INT 6306Act XXVIII+32 Impressive Banded Plasma HelmCone of Paste CCCLXIVgamrchat
64CraexfrekWill o' the WispTongueblade69WIS 6354Act XXVIII+37 Holy Custom Diamond Mail HauberkBraingate CCCXXIIgamrchat
65MagfrekPanda ManRuneloremaster68CON 2615Act XXVII+45 Polished Vorpal BandyclefClever Fellow CDXXXVIIgamrchat
66Lead PalmGreater GnomePuma Burgular68INT 2963Act XXVII+35 Studded Gilded Plasma GreavesInvisible Hands CDLXXXVIII'll smack you with my lead palm.gamrchat
67LittleH4ndTalking PonyRobot Monk68CON 5973Act XXVII+45 Festooned Fine Platemail HelmAqueous Humor CDLVgamrchat
68KimCheeWill o' the WispMu-Fu Monk68CON 2557Act XXVI+38 Festooned Banded Diamond Mail VambracesHastiness DXCVCoffee & Kim Chee makes a spicy delightgamrchat
69PyrbrandDouble WookieeTongueblade68INT 3105Act XXVI+42 Fine Impressive ABS VambracesCone of Paste CCCLIVgamrchat
70BrockrevDemicanadianVoodoo Princess66CHA 5224Act XXIV+28 Impressive Custom Plasma GambesonInnoculate CDXVIIsmeggums!gamrchat

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