Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Clone Mob
Pop. 51

Clone Mob

RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
41Thread17Will o' the WispRobot Monk53DEX 696Act X+15 Impressive Banded Plasma GambesonAnimate Nightstand XLIIIClone Mob
42Thread4Land SquidShiv-Knight52CON 340Act IX+14 Banded Impressive Plasma VambracesCurse Name XXXClone Mob
43Thread7Land SquidVoodoo Princess52STR 343Act IX+17 Custom Studded Plasma GauntletsMulligan XLIClone Mob
44Thread14Battle-FinchInner Mason51CON 425Act IX+24 Fine Festooned Mithril Mail HauberkAnimate Nightstand XXXIClone Mob
45Thread6Lesser DwarfMu-Fu Monk51STR 319Act VIII+28 Studded Festooned Magnetic FieldClever Fellow LIIIClone Mob
46Thread5Will o' the WispMu-Fu Monk50STR 306Act VIII+13 Impressive Cambric Plasma GauntletsClever Fellow XXXIIClone Mob
47Thread12SkraelingMage Illusioner48DEX 218Act VII+22 Fine Banded Titanium SolleretsBig Sister XXIXClone Mob
48Thread15Greater GnomeFighter/Organist48DEX 306Act VII+22 Holy Festooned Kevlar SolleretsHoly Batpole XXIXClone Mob
49Thread16DemicanadianBirdrider48CHA 459Act VII+21 Fine Banded Mithril Mail SolleretsAqueous Humor XLClone Mob
50Thread13Talking PonyVoodoo Princess47DEX 406Act VII+17 Festooned Cambric Diamond Mail HauberkSpectral Miasma XXVIClone Mob
51PungSmörDemicanadianSlow Poisoner41WIS 136Act V+8 Studded Cambric Plasma HauberkClever Fellow XXIClone Mob

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