Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Vidya
Pop. 185


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
101Nigger NiggersonDouble WookieeBastard Lunatic35STR 81Act IVImpressive Plasma GreavesNestor's Bright Idea IXSTOP RIGHT THERE, PROGRESSING SCUM/v/
102GratcranBattle-FinchBastard Lunatic35STR 72Act III+17 Steely Heavy BandyclefCone of Annoyance IXI cast slime finger/v/
103Kay45Crested DwarfMage Illusioner35STR 74Act III+3 Cambric Plasma HauberkGyp XIIGo. Hunt. Kill Skuls./v/
104FranzibaldDouble HobbitShiv-Knight34CHA 65Act III+14 Custom Impressive Baroque ShieldLockjaw X/v/
105UbwhaexHalf HalflingRuneloremaster34CON 80Act III+2 Impressive Studded Diamond Mail HelmSadness VIIICapitalism, ho!/v/
106HUEHAHSHGyrognomeTongueblade33CON 67Act III+10 Banded Fine Platemail CuissesLockjaw XI/v/
107SkizzikHalf OrcFighter/Organist33WIS 76Act III+2 Plasma BrassairtsAqueous Humor IX/v/
108XiphiassPanda ManHunter Strangler32STR 65Act III+1 Plasma HelmAqueous Humor XII/v/
109Bastardo tha UnfaithfulSkraelingMu-Fu Monk32CON 84Act III+8 Fine Festooned Platemail GambesonSadness III/v/
110IkaMusumeLand SquidTickle-Mimic31CHA 81Act III+3 Impressive Holy Magnetic FieldAnimate Nightstand Vde geso!/v/

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