Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Vidya
Pop. 185


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
61BerceuseWill o' the WispFighter/Organist48INT 228Act VII+20 Holy Custom Mithril Mail SolleretsClever Fellow XXVI/v/
62GroogxavWill o' the WispPuma Burgular47DEX 186Act VII+20 Impressive Holy Magnetic FieldCone of Paste XXV/v/
63OodkruxDouble WookieeRobot Monk46INT 194Act VI+25 Cambric Impressive Chainmail BrassairtsHydrophobia XXVIIIMeatbags./v/
64WhuckdrupDemicanadianSlow Poisoner46WIS 208Act VI+18 Holy Custom Mithril Mail CuissesClever Fellow XXI/v/
65GraklaenLand SquidTongueblade45WIS 178Act VI+26 Stabbity Steely PoleaxNonplus XVII/v/
66SlothrotLand SquidBattle-Felon45INT 168Act VI+16 Banded Cambric Diamond Mail HelmMulligan XXDon't touch it if you don't mean it./v/
67PraembrapLand SquidMage Illusioner45DEX 201Act VI+21 Banded Festooned Kevlar SolleretsCone of Annoyance XXIX/v/
68McFagTalking PonyBastard Lunatic45WIS 202Act VI+6 Custom Impressive Plasma BrassairtsBig Sister XXVRAPE!/v/
69FroottredPanda ManMu-Fu Monk45STR 155Act VI+22 Banded Cambric Titanium GambesonTumor (Benign) XXIIIMy mouth tastes of blood and peppermint./v/
70SaganEnchanted MotorcycleVoodoo Princess45CON 246Act VI+13 Holy Banded Diamond Mail CuissesClever Fellow XIXSTOP RIGHT THERE, IGNORANT SCUM/v/

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