Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Vidya
Pop. 185


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
81Lovely TentaclerLand SquidRobot Monk42STR 135Act V+16 Custom Impressive ABS BrassairtsSpectral Miasma XII/v/
82PooJugglerLesser DwarfInner Mason42STR 136Act V+13 Cambric Banded Diamond Mail SolleretsAnimate Nightstand XII/v/
83BroforcePanda ManFighter/Organist42STR 161Act V+20 Custom Magnetic FieldMagnetic Orb XXIm pro/v/
84IzzoTheBroPanda ManRobot Monk41DEX 96Act V+14 Cambric Diamond Mail BrassairtsMagnetic Orb XV/v/
85VunduHalf OrcRobot Monk41STR 210Act V+3 Gilded Impressive Plasma BrassairtsInvisible Hands XVIII like shorts. Their easy to wear and comfy./v/
86Niggerstomper69Enchanted MotorcycleFighter/Organist40STR 116Act V+1 Impressive Holy Plasma GreavesSpectral Miasma XIVTime to STOMP/v/
87WhienrietTalking PonyBattle-Felon40DEX 96Act V+13 Gilded Diamond Mail HelmEye of the Troglodyte IX/v/
88ZievivPanda ManBirdrider40CHA 122Act V+9 Gilded Fine Diamond Mail GreavesGood Move XXV/v/
89AXEBEARD BEARDAXECrested DwarfBastard Lunatic40STR 135Act IV+14 Fine Festooned Magnetic FieldSpectral Miasma XIIIHERESY AIN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE/v/
90Captain CthulhuLand SquidVoodoo Princess40INT 160Act IV+17 Gilded Custom ABS GreavesLockjaw XIIISubmit thyself to voodoo tentacle rape!/v/

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