Realm of Pemptus
Guild rankings for Daepiso
Pop. 462


RankNameRaceClassLevelPrime StatPlot StagePrized ItemSpecialtyMotto (Ctrl-M) Guild (Ctrl-G)
161LartsaHalf OrcFighter/Organist44INT 147Act V+13 Gilded Custom Diamond Mail SolleretsRevolting Cloud XXIVIMDAE
162RoiDung ElfShiv-Knight44INT 214Act VI+21 Impressive Cambric Platemail BrassairtsInvisible Hands XXIVDo It yourself!IMDAE
163BrukkrekDung ElfMage Illusioner44DEX 225Act VI+20 Holy Studded Kevlar VambracesBraingate XVIMDAE
164LoveriaDung ElfTongueblade44CHA 170Act V+6 Custom Holy Plasma HauberkInvisible Hands XXIIIMDAE
165pepperWill o' the WispBattle-Felon44WIS 175Act VI+18 Custom Banded Mithril Mail HelmSpectral Miasma XVIIIIMDAE
166LauragiiWill o' the WispMu-Fu Monk44WIS 219Act V+21 Banded Cambric Titanium VambracesRevolting Cloud XXVIMDAE
167TunAstralHalf OrcRobot Monk43CON 152Act V+21 Studded Mithril Mail BrassairtsCone of Paste XVIIMDAE
168Count AlucardLow ElfBastard Lunatic43DEX 185Act V+31 Pronged Heavy Morning StarBig Sister XVIIIIMDAE
169ArkQueinEnchanted MotorcycleBastard Lunatic43DEX 204Act V+14 Festooned Impressive Mithril Mail BrassairtsSpectral Miasma XXVoOoooOOOooOO!!IMDAE
170needringBattle-FinchTickle-Mimic43STR 205Act V+19 Holy Titanium CuissesClever Fellow XVIIIMDAE

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